XFausto: Sal! Mon ami (my friend!
Sal: Fausto! The man who would be my best customer! ...if he ever paid his tab.
Fausto: You whine too much. Did you whine this much when we were in the Army? Was I too drunk to notice? How's la chienne verte (the green bitch)?
Sal: Don't ask.
Fausto: That bad?
Sal: I hired a busboy without telling her.
Fausto: Men have been hung from meathooks for less. As I recall it's how she got her court-martial.
Sal: Not helpful, Fausto.
Sal: Fausto! The man who would be my best customer! ...if he ever paid his tab.
Fausto: You whine too much. Did you whine this much when we were in the Army? Was I too drunk to notice? How's la chienne verte (the green bitch)?
Sal: Don't ask.
Fausto: That bad?
Sal: I hired a busboy without telling her.
Fausto: Men have been hung from meathooks for less. As I recall it's how she got her court-martial.
Sal: Not helpful, Fausto.
When last we saw.... Fausto - Sal
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