XJamie: Good morning, happy lawyer people! Are we all ready for another joyous day of service to the public?
Offscreen Lawyers: Gnnnaghr. All in favor of killing the secretary?
Riley: Jamie, what do you put in your coffee?
Jamie: Now, I know you're all just dying to add a few new cases to your load --
Offscreen Lawyer: Naargh!
Jamie: -- but I've only got two specials today. One for Saradin, and one for Riley.
Riley: What? I can't take on one of your 'specials'! I've got a dozen cases already and the Rosen is going sticky on me --
Jamie: Oh, tosh. You're a great match for this one. The defendant's a Capricorn.
Riley: For the last time, you can not assign me cases based on whatever ancient belief system you're binging on this week!
Jamie: Fine, fine, I'll try something else. Magic 8-Ball says....
Riley: Jamie!
Offscreen Lawyer: Just take the damn case, Riley.
Offscreen Lawyers: Gnnnaghr. All in favor of killing the secretary?
Riley: Jamie, what do you put in your coffee?
Jamie: Now, I know you're all just dying to add a few new cases to your load --
Offscreen Lawyer: Naargh!
Jamie: -- but I've only got two specials today. One for Saradin, and one for Riley.
Riley: What? I can't take on one of your 'specials'! I've got a dozen cases already and the Rosen is going sticky on me --
Jamie: Oh, tosh. You're a great match for this one. The defendant's a Capricorn.
Riley: For the last time, you can not assign me cases based on whatever ancient belief system you're binging on this week!
Jamie: Fine, fine, I'll try something else. Magic 8-Ball says....
Riley: Jamie!
Offscreen Lawyer: Just take the damn case, Riley.
When last we saw.... Riley - Jamie
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Every resident of the United States has $550 a year spent on them in advertising — advertising pushing them to buy, need, consume. How have we gone from being citizens to being consumers?