February 11, 2009
One of the unforseen consequences of the legislation banning French was how attractive this would make the language to a certain class of teenager. After a brief spate of speaking actual French (and being thrown out of school), the bored and mildly rebellious invented Fancy, a slang language that involved replacing actual French words with loosely rhyming English terms -- usually limiting themselves to nouns and adjectives, as here. That this is utterly incomprehensible to sane speakers of French and English alike is considered a feature, not a bug.
For the terminally curious, here are Miss Neire's Fancy terms in order of appearance: galerie(mall); chemise neu (new shirt); dépanneur (corner store); en-cas (snacks); homme (man); maison (house); genial (brilliant/cool); bande de velos (bunch of bikes); femme (woman); mieux jour jamais (best day ever).