XTravis: Permission to punch Specialist Jameson in the face, sir.
Isidro: Denied. The Commander called dibs.
Travis: Then I'd like to move my charge to a more secure location.
Isidro: And that would be...?
Travis: Er, the head, sir.
Isidro: Carry on.
Cedric: The Commander didn't really say that, did she, sir?
Isidro: Hmm? Oh. No. She said that it'd been at least six months since we had a major political scandal caused by somebody's raging hormones, so she really should have seen it coming.
Cedric: That's not too --
Isidro: She also said that your ass was
pate de foie gras with a slice of lemon and a nice parsely garnish.
Cedric: B-but...
Isidro: Hey, look on the bright side! You can stop worrying about your career.