XSal: You survived? That's... pretty impressive.
Ian: They killed my car.
Sal: There'll be other cars.
Ian: I'd just
built her. She'd hardly even gotten a chance to fly yet. Poor little girl.
Sal: ...come on. I'll pull you up.
Ian: You're very kind, monsieur, but no. Getting us both killed by angry mob would be poor thanks for your courtesy.
Sal: Well, you can't stay there. Even iron arms give out sometime.
Ian: No, no -- I'll have ripped the shoulder mooring and fallen to my death long before the arm fails. Technology is a wonderful thing.
Sal: All the same, I reckon you'd best take help where you find it.
Ian: I'd rather face my inevitable death from here. It's quieter, and I'd hate to be any trouble.
Sal: I can't tell if you're real sarcastic or real crazy, but either way I'd rather sort it out from the
top of this wall.