XMurdoch: You? What do
you want?
Julia: Everyone else ran out of excuses to see if you were dead yet, and for some reason your goons let me in.
Murdoch: Nik's still pissed at me then. I ain't dead. Nobody die of a shot-up shoulder. Now close the damn door, 's winter out there. Don't lose heart, the day's young. Plenty a things to kill me yet.
Julia: Great, fine. ... Look, I know I'll regret asking this, but the protection money thing. How does it, um, work?
Murdoch: You pay me, I protect you.
Julia: Is this the kind of thing where you start charging me more if --
Murdoch: No. I'm a gangster, not an insurance salesman.
Julia: So if I had to ask for --
Murdoch: You don't got to ask for nothing. You paid up. Anybody messin' with you is not you problem,
I am
theirs. You're
protected. 'Cept against me, a course. What?
Julia: ... you're giving straight answers to questions. And being mostly polite.
Murdoch: I'm stoned.
Julia: ... at two o'clock?
Murdoch: I can't think through that shit Alain tried to give me. Couple smokes takes the edge off the pain, an' the side effects are nothin' I can't handle.
Julia: ... It's
Murdoch: Savoy say she'd known it'd mellow me this much, she'd a been spikin' the breakfast muffins for