Updates Tues-Fri

March 5, 2013

All comics made using DAZStudio and ComicLife. For a full list of credits, click here.

March 5, 2013

Dude. TWC voting people. When I said I'd do something nice for you if you got me in the top 100 I was joking, but damned if you aren't getting me close! To everyone who's voting... thank you. I'm still a bit under the weather here -- as those of you who check the comic early in the mornings or who are owed correspondence undoubtably have noticed -- and, you know, I don't pay a ton of attention to my TWC rankings because that way lies madness and unseemly sulking and complaining about how are they in the top ten, they must be posting naked girls in their incentives, those evil other people... but it still does my ego good and makes me smile to see the rankings shooting up like that. So thank you. I could use the smile.

(Not joking about coming up with something nice if you drive me into the top 100 this month, although it will probably not be nekkidness. My cast is heavily armed, and I have to live with these people.)