XNik: Knock knock. Seen Murdoch?
Julia: What? Ah -- no.
Nik: Thought he might a been round to see Sophie.
Julia: Not since yesterday night. Thank
god. The
last thing my morning needed was him taking time out from robbing shopkeepers and bullying junkies to play doll with a four-year-old. I swear, if I'd realized putting up Iris and Sophie would mean having you lot in and out all the time I'd never have agreed to it. I don't know why I
did agree to it. Saying no and then buying Dahpne an apology ice cream would have been much easier.
Nik: That'd be Murdoch's natural charm at work.
Julia: Murdoch has no charm. Charm requires
emotions. Staring at people until they get creeped out and do what you want doesn't count.
Nik: Works, though.
Julia: Maybe on you. I am
done with arrogant pricks arranging my life for me.
Nik: And yet, houseguests.
Julia: Don't you have some junkies to bully?