XRiley: I agreed to go. I took the day off work like you wanted. I'm even wearing the idiot costume you picked out for me. Why am I still in trouble?
Viv: You aren't taking this seriously.
Riley: It's a party, Viv.
Viv: You will meet a great many important people. You need to make the right impression.
Riley: I will meet a great many self-important people, none of whom will like me no matter what I do. We don't come from the right people, Viv. Being well-trained little monkeys won't change that.
Viv: Being socially active has helped me --
Riley: Being the best damn surgeon in Kieselburg has helped you more.
Viv: Riley. This is important to me. For once, you will respect that.
Riley: ...can I at least ditch the hat?
Viv: Guess.
Viv: You aren't taking this seriously.
Riley: It's a party, Viv.
Viv: You will meet a great many important people. You need to make the right impression.
Riley: I will meet a great many self-important people, none of whom will like me no matter what I do. We don't come from the right people, Viv. Being well-trained little monkeys won't change that.
Viv: Being socially active has helped me --
Riley: Being the best damn surgeon in Kieselburg has helped you more.
Viv: Riley. This is important to me. For once, you will respect that.
Riley: ...can I at least ditch the hat?
Viv: Guess.
When last we saw.... Viv - Riley
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