Riley! Just the doer of good deeds and defender of justice I was wanting!
Riley: ...No.
Jamie: Now what have I told you about positive thoughts breeding positive --
No, Jamie. I have
not had a good day. Whatever lame duck case you've found can go on somebody else's schedule.
Jamie: Nonsense. You're down to, what, seventy-six cases right now?
Plenty of room.
Riley: Dammit, Jamie, you know my rules. No murderers. I don't have the stomach for it.
Jamie: But this one
needs you. I did a reading --
Riley: For the last time, you do
not get to assign cases based on your 'readings' and 'feelings' and religion of the week! You shouldn't be assigning cases at all!
You're the secretary!Jamie: Well, if you
really don't have time --
Riley: I really don't.
Jamie: Then I guess I don't really have time to file the paperwork on the Anderson case for you... or sort the investigator's notes on that arson...
Riley: Jamie --
Jamie: Or research precedence for your self-defense case, or finish that profile, or schedule your court dates for next week -- but I'm sure you can handle all those silly secretary things yourself!
Riley: How is this my
Offscreen Lawyer: Just take the damn case, Riley.