Updates Tues-Fri

January 1, 2013

All comics made using DAZStudio and ComicLife. For a full list of credits, click here.

January 1, 2013

As promised, we're back! Though I owe you an apology, especially those of you guys who asked questions. December went from Expectedly Busy to Unexpectedly Busy (jury duty. Not nearly as good for research purposes as I was hoping. So much for silver linings) to Very Bad Busy when my 90-year-old grandmother fell down the stairs the week before Christmas. She's fine, doing rather well, but it led to exactly the sort of emergency room and surgery and hospital-that's-over-an-hour-away nonsense that you really want to be engaging in over the holidays. Especially when the family business has just let all the employees who aren't family go home on the reasonable expectation that, hey, it'll be quiet, right?

So not so much on the spare time, not so much on the hoped-for buffer, and I owe a bunch of people answers that are currently sitting around half-finished, sorry, I will get them up as I can. But. The comic is back. Happy New Year!