Updates Tues-Fri

June 29, 2010

All comics made using DAZStudio and ComicLife. For a full list of credits, click here.

June 29, 2010

Aaaaand the workplace Soap Opera continues to spawn episodes. Not really going to go into it now, save to note that it looks like I'll be working every day from now until next Sunday (as in, the 11th), and my days are stretching as long as twelve hours, and though I will really, truly try to stay on schedule, well. Yeah. This year has been so ludicrously bad for me that I'd laugh hysterically, if I wasn't too damn busy dealing with all this for frivolities like hysterics.

Better things! Next up on the recommended comics list is Spacetrawler. It's a new-ish science fiction strip by the creator of Bruno and Little Dee which has been consistently surprising and delighting me. Great characters, brilliant execution, and a consistently dazzling sense of humor -- rarely is there an update where I don't laugh aloud, and there's some that have made me laugh until I cried. Good to see what an experienced comicker can do with my favorite genre when they turn their pen to it!